Tuesday 29 April 2014


Ferrus stood alone in the dark room. Rök weighed heavily in his hands, raising his arm he pointed at his invisible enemy. Holding his stance for a moment, he hesitated, then his training kicked in. Pulling the axe in a tight arc across his chest, he then twisted back cleaving the thin air in two. Spinning he switched back to a one handed grip swinging from behind his head moving in a fluid arc finishing in a two handed stance. He stopped pausing for breath, he had been training whenever he had a spare moment since the engagement with the Necrons. Yes, the Necrons, now my enemies have a name. The data slate Jaegor had recovered had provided Ferrus with some answers to his many questions. The Tryanids, the Necrons, now he knew a little more about them from the information they had gleaned Ferrus hoped to be able to fight them more effectively, though that still left some more concerning foes.

“Still practicing?” Ferrus ignored the voice, returning to his practice. “You can’t kill me with a blade you know.” The voice mockingly joked, Ferrus continued swinging Rök cutting from left to right then bringing it down in a double handed strike. “So when did you figure it out? I must admit that I’d figured you for a brutish lout. I figured you to be all muscles and no brain. Yet with for all that...”
“Be silent!” Ferrus barked back. The voice laughed.

“Ha, you give me commands? I am not one of your pack, your lowly whelps crawling in the dirt, I am something far greater.”

“You are nothing, a fallen spectre. A defeated enemy, who taunts me by appearing as a friend. You have no power over me, nor my pack. I’m done with you, there is nothing you can do to me or anyone as you are now.”

“Once again, young wolf you are sorely mistaken.” Ferrus paused suddenly the pieces started falling into place. “Ah there it is the realisation.” Again laughter filled the room. “The seeds have been sown, as I’ve always said this planet is a crucible, the question is what will be the product of it? I could answer that question right now all you have to do is ask.“

“Be gone foul being and do not return!” A mocking reply came swiftly.

“Oh worry not my lord. This is my last visit to you, though do not consider me gone for long, I shall return and when I do, well let us say it shall be most unpleasant for you.” The voice rang off with mocking laughter once more and Ferrus found himself alone in the room. Jaegor walked into the room, fully suited up in the suit of terminator armour.

“Ferrus, is everything ok? I heard you yelling.” Ferrus shook his head.

“It’s nothing Jaegor, thank you for your concern.” Jaegor nodded and turned to leave. “Wait.” Jaegor stopped and turned back to Ferrus. “I have a request, something I need done, that I can only trust you to do.”

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