Tuesday 22 April 2014

Whispers of Winter

Part 2 of the Tale background
The furious blizzard rolled across the glacial plain, reducing the wolves’ line of sight to almost negligible amounts. They trudged onwards regardless, only pausing when a light flashed up in their helmet displays. Ferrus walked to the fore of the line, placing a hand on his battle brother’s shoulder.

“What is it Stragvald? Are you injured?” Stragvald shook his head, a low guttural growl building in his throat.

“No, I can smell something, nothing human I’d wager too” Pausing he removed his helmet, taking a deeper sniff of the air. For a moment all was still and quiet, except for the howling winds, then Stragvald pointed. “That way.” He said, baring his fangs in a wild grin.

“He is correct brother, the fight is at hand.” Ferrus drew his frostblade “Fang”, feeling his two hearts beat slightly faster at the thought of another battle laid out before him.

“Aye, truly the fight is at hand.” Ferrus replied, swinging his sword, loosening his arm in readiness. Stragvald turned, giving the Wolf Lord a confused look.

“M’ilord?” Ferrus stared back at the young Grey Hunter, almost as a predator would eye up his prey. Coming back to his senses he shook himself.

“It’s nothing lad, we shall proceed that way, we shall meet our enemy in battle and they shall know fear.” The packs and Ferrus walked in their chosen direction, slowly picking up pace as they drew closer to their prey’s scent, unknown to all but one that they were already being watched.

“Good, now let us see what form you shall take in this crucible of war Wolf, for this world shall forge you one way or another.”

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