Tuesday 22 April 2014

Ferrus Stormwolf

 Hi everyone, as promised, here is the introduction to the Leader of my Space Wolf army for the 40K tale of gamers - Ferrus Stormwolf

Not the best fluff ever written, but it's the first footstep on a longer journey :)

Ferrus Stormwolf

Great men are often born from small beginnings, no more is this the case than the great Wolf Lord Ferrus Stormwolf. Originally picked out from one of the many indigenous tribes in habiting Fenris, Ferrus was unique. His small stature and fierce temper quickly earned him the nickname “cub”, along with his childhood friend Tor, they were taken to the Ashiem to face the trails that would change them, from man to one of the legendary Sky Warriors. For many weeks they endured the trials, until the final trial was finally upon them, the implantation of the Canis Helix. Tor was first to face the challenge and Ferrus watched on as his friend writhed in agony, screaming to the top of his lungs, before falling silently to the floor. A moment passed and he was thought to be in the jaws of Morkai, only for him to stir and arise anew. Then it was Ferrus’ turn. As with Tor there was great pain, but also there was a great vision, a planet burning, armies marching and putting torch to settlements everywhere. Keeping these visions to himself, Ferrus joined Tor in their new pack and truly began to learn the art of battle.

It was at this time that Ferrus’ unruly nature came to the fore, often charging wildly into battle, inciting other pack members to fight him, many of his peers looked down upon such actions, bar one. Thorvald, one of the Great Wolf’s Wolf Guard bodyguard separated Ferrus from his pack having him placed with other trouble makers in the Skyclaw packs. Here surrounded by brothers just like him, Ferrus started to see things differently and whilst he still had his fierce pride and let his wild bestial side control him, he soon learned to tame it and in turn earn the respect of his brothers, to the point where they began to look to him for guidance, even in the heat of battle. On one mission to a far off planet Ferrus and his squad came to the aid of a Long Fang squad that found itself flanked and rapidly out numbered, throwing their weight into the fight alongside their elder brethren, the wolves repulsed the ambushers, making them pay dearly for their attempted deception. This action earned Ferrus a strong kinship with the leader of that Long Fang Pack, Lief Frostfang.

Sometime later at both Thorvald and Lief’s recommendation, Ferrus was placed back in his pack, now as a Grey Hunter, rejoining Tor and his surviving brothers. Ferrus took it upon himself to hone his skills, he wished not be ruled by the beast within, but to use it to his will, in doing so he would become the leader he was meant to be. Many years past and Ferrus grew in skill and reputation, it was during this time that Tor’s latent abilities awoke also, in the midst of battle with an ork horde Tor forced the ground beneath their feet to open and swallow a whole mob of orks, before unleashing a barrage of lightning from his fingertips at the Nob who was attempting to cut down Ferrus. This left Ferrus with something of a hole in his pack, as was the practice Tor was taken in to train his powers and wasn’t to be seen for sometime. More time passed and still Ferrus grew more, then during a mission to a remote world when on a patrol alongside a handful of PDF troops Ferrus was ambushed by the hated enemy, Thousand Sons Chaos space marines. Having sent out a call for aid through the vox Ferrus’ pack and the PDF soldiers took defensive positions not giving an inch, only to be greeted with various munitions and heretical spells being flung at their position. Then in a flash of light and a crash of thunder three drop pods fell from the sky. One containing Lief Frostfang and his Long Fang pack, the second held Tor, now a fully realised Rune Priest along with a further Grey Hunter pack and the final pod opened spewing a group of Wolf Guard resplendent in their terminator armour, led by none other than Thorvald. With this change in events Ferrus ordered his squad to charge, battering the cursed chaos marines, leaving nothing but piles of dust. Once the battle seemed won, Ferrus ran to his companions, eager to see them after such a long time apart only to witness Thorvald take a round that punched straight through his armour and left blood gushing from the hole. Ferrus was stunned and in that moment lost all that he had worked so hard for, giving in to his beastial side , tearing the remaining Thousand Sons to pieces. His brothers looked on with horror as Ferrus then fled into the wilderness growling like a rabid beast, the curse of the Wulfen had seemingly taken hold.

During this time Ferrus became more and more animalistic, haunted by what he believed was the spectre of Thorvald, slaughtering all wildlife he came across with just his bare hands. Meanwhile the Thousand Sons made more incursions, tearing a hole in the materium large enough to allow deamon spawn through, though the wolves fought to suppress these incursions, they were nowhere near as effective without the leadership either Thorvald or Ferrus had to offer. However, this was to lead to the Thousand Son’s downfall, in their incursions they had over stretched and repeatedly Ferrus had come across and dispatched various groups as they came into the materium, eventually leading him to the site of a great battle being waged by both forces. Having gathered enough energy, the Chaos Marines had summoned a Greater demon of Tzeench, a demon with the power to bend fate to it’s will, making it almost impossible to defeat by conventional means. After many hours of fighting the combined forces of the wolves and the planet’s PDF were exhausted and as the demon was about to land the killing blow on Tor it dissolved back into the warp, having had it’s heart torn out by a now highly focussed Ferrus. With the demon gone, the marines followed suit and the PDF troopers cheered at the victorious Ferrus, coated in the demons red blood.
It was then that Ferrus’ remaining pack mates and Tor, coated their armour in the Demon’s blood also, as a mark of respect to their friend and as a reminder of their camaraderie.

These events then put Ferrus at the right hand of the Wolf Lord Jaegor Thunderblade, as a part of his Wolf Guard retinue. Now armed with the Frost Sword Lightning Fang (more commonly known as Fang) and a Stormshield created by Hald the Stern (a well reknown Iron Priest of the Space wolf chapter) he fought both on the battle field with his blade and in the Great Hall alongside his Lord with his mind, against some of the more crude Lords of his brethren. It was at this point that he first faced the Xenos race known as the Eldar and swiftly Ferrus became known to them as the Ravager, his ferocity in battles against them was unmatched and when his lord fell at the blade of a Wraith Lord it was Ferrus who threw himself at the construct hacking with his sword and shattering the soul gem containing the essence of the construct destroying it utterly. With Jaegor dead, a new Wolf Lord was required and all motioned in Ferrus’s favour. So the motion was carried and the Great Company of Ferrus Stormwolf was born, their armour was painted red in honour of the great victory that had brought Ferrus back to the fold, though the greatest test was yet to come.

During the time since the last battle the Thousand Sons had not been idle, the Traitor Primarch Magnus the Red had been preparing for an assault upon the Fang and launched his attack having drawn away the majority of the great companies, including Ferrus’s. When Ferrus’ ship arrived back in orbit around Fenris he ordered his men to the Drop pods and launched to harass the then retreating legion back into the warp. After the attack Ferrus put forward his wish to hunt down the Thousand Sons, in the way of the Great Hunt, though many other Lords wished to go in his place Ferrus was adamant and it was made to be so. Before leaving the Fang, Ferrus was once again reunited with an old friend, Thorvald the Relentless. Now encased inside a dreadnought, after an age of being repaired after his near fatal wounding, Throvald accompanied Ferrus on his hunt.

Having left realspace, the engines of Ferrus’s battle barge experienced a major malfunction, being in the warp Ferrus was sure that he knew the cause, yet was ill equipped to deal with it. Outside the ship the immaterial form of a certain greater demon awoke, in doing so, the unknowing agent stowed away on the ship also awoke from their slumber. After what felt like a few moments, the navigators began reporting glitches in the ship’s systems, eminating from the engines, with that Ferrus ordered the ship to drop into realspace, just as the Demon’s puppet almost completed his attempts of sabotage, forcing the engines close to their operating capacity causing a chain reaction to blow up the ship. What happened next is confusing to say the least. In pushing the engine at the exact point as they were cut the result of the saboteur’s meddlings managed to push Ferrus’ ship far off it’s intended course and with the malfunction far later than intended also. Upon entering real space Ferrus found his ship to be somewhere in the Segmentum Obscurus, only to be greeted by a somewhat sketchy vox message, due to the damage to the ship.

“This is a P-one order. Issued from terra High Council. Recipient: Chapter Master of the Space Wolves, Chapter Master of Angels of Illumination, Chapter Master of Angels Revenant. You will be aware of the growing concern about the unexpected silence from Forge World Orphius (#GRJ/SS/245622A3447113). Orders from High Council: Investigate. Expect Xenos involvement. Campaign progression at your discretion. Retake Forge World at all costs, failure to retake forces Exterminatus. Other forces are mobilised to aid and assist. Emperor guide you.”

Ferrus turned to the navigator and nodded, with that their course was set. The great company of Ferrus Stormwolf was mobilised and it was going to take back Orphius. In the name of the great all father, the light of the emperor would be delivered to the forge world anew.

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