Tuesday 29 April 2014


The rising sun cast long shadows across the plains, the warmth dulled by the icy wind blowing among the glaciers. Ferrus held up a hand and behind him the Grey Hunter squad halted. Stooping to the ground he rested his gauntleted palm upon the snow, pausing for a second he focused on the small tremors he felt. Glancing towards the horizon Ferrus squinted, he could make out several large silhouettes and given their past experiences what followed was likely not to be a friendly exchange.
Pointing to a half wreck building to the east of their location Ferrus turned to face the Long fangs.
“Tor, you shall accompany Leif and his squad, provide some cover for us while we close.” Tor nodded and started walking, the long fangs following close behind, leaving only Leif stood still. Ferrus cocked his head at Leif.
“Forgive me brother, I just wished to discuss something important with you, I believe there is something different about Tor.” Ferrus glanced at Tor now far out of ear shot then returned his gaze back to Leif.”
“What exactly?” Leif shrugged as much as his armour would allow.
“It’s just a feeling Ferrus, I’m concerned there is much on this planet that feels out of place, it could just be nothing.” Ferrus clapped a hand on Leif’s shoulder
“We will speak of this more later brother, for now we must do our duty.” Leif nodded and ran after his squad, leaving Ferrus with the Grey Hunter Squads. “My brothers, once more battle beckons and it is for us to answer the call.”

Jaeger vaulted over the debris, he could tell he was drawing near he’d been tracking his fellow wolves for at least a week and now he was close. He could smell the acrid smell of exhaust fumes from the rhinos and he could make out the clearest set of tank tracks and foot prints he’d seen in that time. Charging forward he attempted activating his vox link once again, only to be met with static, he growled with frustration, tossing his helmet away. All that mattered was rejoining the pack now, then he would go about avenging his pack mates.

Skarvald sat ready by the view screen in the rhino, he was anxious for the signal, while he was the most patient of his brethren in his pack, Skarvald could not deny that the call to battle was stirring his more feral side. Glancing back to the view screen he took control of viewport, surveying the area.. Ferrus had positioned their forces so that a large ruined building blocked their rhinos from line of sight, whilst Ferrus and his squad had taken cover in a ruined sanctum, all lying in wait until the signal came to advance. Until then all that could be done was to wait.
From nowhere a sudden hail of green flashes blasted in the direction of the rhinos, one shot glancing off the rhino holding the centre, although the shot only glanced there was noticeable damage visible on the rhino. Having seen the shots from the view screen Skarvald turned to the doorway leading to the cockpit of the rhino yelling,
“Move for cover, now!” Gunning the rhino’s engines the pilot charged the rhino into the building smashing down walls as it went. There was a crackle over the vox then Ferrus’ voice rang out through the rhino.
“Get back in formation, we must counterattack!” Skarvald punched the vox on and called back
“We have no choice, we won’t last long against fire power of that magnitude!” A pause followed before Ferrus barked back down the vox.
“Then get closer, engage them at point blank range. We may take a few of them with us.” Skarvald growled then forced it down, turning back to the view screen he saw movement ahead. From a forest across the way silver skeleton figures marched shooting green blasts as they went, amongst them Skarvald spotted one figure, more ornately adorned than the others, not wielding a gun but a scythe like weapon. Clicking the vox back on Skarvald replied.
“We shall, I believe we have located the enemy’s commander also not far from our position.” The satisfaction in Ferrus’ reply was obvious.
“Good, take the fight to them brothers, I shall be there shortly.”
Ferrus clicked his vox link to a separate channel. “Leif you heard that last transmission?”
“Aye sir we have them sighted, and some big vehicles on our flanks.”
“Take their big guns first, then focus on the commander.”
“Confirmed Ferrus, Morkai shall not go hungry today.” Pointing to the long barge like chassis infront of them Leif gave the signal, a barrage of rockets and lightning flew towards the barge yet despite connecting they apparently did little to slow the barge. The Heavy bolter shells were another matter, aiming for the squad emerging from the forest some shots flew wide however a fair number exploded the skeletons into various pieces, some manically flailing as if still alive, if the beings could in fact be referred to as ‘alive’. Leif grimaced, the barge wouldn’t not be easy to deal with, cursing his decision not to have requested a lascannon he darted behind a low wall as another barrage took out some of the squad. By my blood this enemy shall pay.

Jaeger was close enough to see the opening salvos, even from the distance he was from the battle he could tell the enemy had powerful guns, some of the shots overshot the other squads and landed close by. The heat from the detonations was intense, almost comparable to the heat of a melta gun discharging. Breaking into the forest Jaeger surveyed his position, there were two crescent shaped vehicles hovering a fair distance off the ground closing fast on his position. No big monster of legend, but killing you shall avenge my pack, reaching his belt he grabbed a krak grenade and waited for the right moment.

The second rhino moved up the side of the building opening fire on the squad now erring on exiting the forest, the top hatch being flung open as two grey hunters loosed bolter rounds and plasma bolts in their direction. More skeletons fell, only for a few of them to stand up once more continuing to return fire, despite various levels of damage to them.
“Damn sorcery, they don’t seem to want to stay down.” One Grey Hunter called out.
“Worry not brother, we have plenty of shells to go around.” Another replied, both shared a moment of hearty laughter whilst shells impacted into further skeletons.

Skarvald maintained glued to the view screen occasionally taking control of the rhino’s storm bolter to fire a suppressing barrage at a unit. The battle was not going well, so far the wolves had made little impact on the enemy forces whilst the Long fangs and rhinos were taking a pounding from the enemy return barrage. Out of the corner of the screen Skarvald saw a green orb growing at the prow of one of the barges, seconds later it filled the view screen, in which time Skarvald had kicked the side hatch open and flung two of his brothers out, following swiftly behind. With Skarvald barely metres from the rhino the orb impacted into the front plate of the rhino which exploded in a blinding flash and a bone crunching squelch noise.
Twisting round to see behind him Skarvald saw one of his brothers slumped against the wall, his body leaning forwards, blood pooling at his feet. Rolling over he reached for his holster pulling his pistol briefly aiming at his brother’s bare head and pulled the trigger. Looking around he could see his brother’s faces, there was a mix of shock and anger, Skarvald knew part of that was aimed at him, but everyone there knew the marine couldn’t have been brought back from that sort of injury and that had it been him he’d have wanted the same. Briefly pausing he uttered a few words of prayer to the allfather in respect for his fallen brother, then rising to his feet he joined the rest of the squad making for the far wall. The squad lined up then looked to Skarvald, who in turn gestured to the squad lingering on the forests edge.
“We hit them and we hit them hard.” The squad nodded almost simultaneously and as the second rhino passed the building they broke cover bolters blazing, once more taking the fight to the enemy.

From the Long Fangs position Leif could see the explosion, his squad was being practically obliterated and now another squad was looking to be next in line. As this thought crossed his mind another two Long Fangs fell to the vehicles closing on the right flank.
“Cursed blo...” Lief was cut short as a bolt hit him square in the chest blowing him clean off the building roof, his fall cushioned by the snow, but still the fall caused something to break. The world swirled around Lief for a second before fading to blackness I shall enter the jaws of Morkai proudly. Having seen this happen Tor’s fury exploded channelling the runes as the last Long fang collapsed he raised his staff high in the air at the very moment that lightning jumped from the fallen Fang to Tor’s staff. The current raced through every fibre of his body, his cybernetic eye shut off and Tor’s beard singed he great Rune priest held himself upon his staff uttering some quiet words before collapsing.
“It shall be so.”

Ferrus stood ready, he had seen the rhino explode on the left flank, the Long Fangs and Tor falling. His plan lay in tatters, now there was only him and the other Grey hunters to route the enemy, looking to his squad and his wolf companions, he raised his axe gesturing to the building the Long Fangs had taken refuge in. The squad didn’t need to hear the words they already knew what to do. The contingency plan was in play, if the flank attack failed, Ferrus and his squad were going to carry the fight down the centre, hopefully carrying the day. Vaulting from the septum the squad charged across the open ground some falling to the bombardment. Upon reaching the building the remaing pack members took shelter, Ferrus raced to Lief’s fallen form. He felt to his knees a howl gathering in his throat, only to be interrupted by repeated coughing just in front of him.
“Sorry Ferrus, couldn’t quite hold them down.” Ferrus stood.
“You did your duty my friend, I could ask for little more.” Lief laughed, then coughed, spitting a small amount of blood, Ferrus’ brow creased beneath his helmet.
“I’ll live.” Lief grinned through the pain, “All on you now though.”
“Aye, we shall carry this day yet, brother.” Lief nodded then blacked out once more. A cry came up from the opposite end of the building.
“I see something, could be one of ours!” Ferrus rushed to the other side of the building. At first he could only see the crescent shaped hovering cannons that had decimated his right flank, then from the forest they were passing a red blur launched at the nearest vehicle, latching on to the rear of the craft then jumping clear. What followed next was a small explosion, yet as so many times before the vehicle continued unabated. From an unseen angle there was a massive amount of weapons discharges in the direction of the red blur. Ferrus felt his rage building.
“We shall take the fight to them, and they shall know fear.”

Skarvald reloaded his bolter, feeding a fresh clip into it as the rest of this pack emptied rounds into the remaining members of the squad still stood in the boundaries of the forest. In front of them the second rhino had been brought to a halt and wrecked by the enemy barges, forcing the other pack into the open, slowly men were dropping from each pack as the withering firepower took it’s toll. To Skarvald’s left a large detonation threw men and dirt into the air, leaving Skarvald the last man standing, he ran to the corner of the wrecked rhino, gesturing to the other grey hunters to engage a new squad of the metallic skeletons that had appeared. Firing more rounds into the squad into the forest , he turned to see where the other grey hunter squad was. Across the plain he saw the crescent shaped vehicles firing into the third grey hunter squad, with Ferrus at the point. In a moment Ferrus leapt at the lead vehicle slashing with his axe furiously. The vehicle suddenly stuttered and fell to the ground it’s guns still active, but whatever was keeping it off the ground had been disabled. Flashes past Skarvald’s head caused to him to readjust his attention as he flung a grenade into the forest. On his right the Grey hunters he’d sent to fight the newest squad had ripped through them and advanced back towards Ferrus. Just a little more and this battle is ours.
Ferrus dodged the cannon blasts, slicing the barrels as he dodged. The vehicle suddenly died and the squad cheered. Ferrus glanced across the field, he saw the wrecked rhino with Skarvald holding the enemy commander in place and the remains of the other squad moving towards him. As he looked something caught his eye.
“Bran?” Ferrus called out. A figure in black armour wrapped in a wolf cloak was stood in the middle of the battlefield, in his right hand was a mace, it’s head winged with a wolf skull set in the middle. There was only one such crozius in the entire imperium of that specific design, belonging to Bran the Red Slayer one of the greatest wolf priests in living memory. Ferrus’ pack members looked at each other confused.
“My lord? Are you alright?” Ferrus turned and pointed where the figure was stood.
“It’s Bran, can you not see him?” The grey hunters looked at the spot where Ferrus was pointing yet there was nothing there.
“No, My lord, we can’t see anything.” Ferrus turned, just in time to see the incoming fire from the second vehicle. Raising his shield he managed to deflect most of the shots, though some flew past and incapacitated most of his pack and his wolves. In response Ferrus charged the vehicle tearing it’s barrel in two, before hitting the vehicles power source and stopping it functioning. To his left the grey hunter squad fell to a combination of two massive orbs and lightning being fired from some unseen assailants. Skarvald now also was falling back towards Ferrus with the enemy commander in close pursuit.
“My lord, the battle is l...” Skarvald’s call was cut midsentence as a massive explosion threw him into the air, coming down with a soft thud. Ferrus stood frozen for a moment before his rage took him and he charged the enemy commander, leaping into the squad, singling it out, swing his axe to bear only to feel a searing heat across his chest. He looked down, Rök falling from his grasp as he fell to his knees, a gaping gash in his armour from his left shoulder down to his right hip weeping blood. Ferrus stared into the machine’s eyes, coldy staring, uttering.
“I shall make you know.” He paused as he coughed some blood onto the snow. “Fear.” Then promptly collapsed.

Light shone just in front of Ferrus’ eyes, opening them he was greeted by the sight of Lief and Skarvald, both bloodied and battered, from their battle wounds. Rousing slightly Ferrus looked to Lief.
“My brother, I believe it is time we call in the cavalry.”

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