Sunday 27 April 2014


A few hours before the events of  “First onslaught”

The ruined buildings cast long shadows over the snowy plateau, the sun hanging high in the sky. The howling winds occasionally throwing up clouds of powdery snow, obscuring the wolves’ view for a brief moment. Behind him Ferrus could hear the sound of revving chain swords, glancing over his shoulder he saw the younger members of the two packs thumbing the activation button of their swords, one even waving his sword, until he noticed Ferrus’ gaze and clipped his sword to his hip joint. Ferrus turned his attention to the ruins, pointing to the nearest ruin he turned back to the packs.
“Take that ruin, we should be able to maintain a good vantage point from there.” The lead pack moved up, clambering over the broken rubble. “You,” gesturing to the other pack, “follow me.”
Advancing between the gap between the two larger ruins Ferrus made out some indistinct forms a little way towards the horizon. Ferrus squinted trying to make the shapes, holding his arm up and clenching his fist. Behind him the pack stopped, the sound of bolters safety clicking off and the revving of chain swords suddenly filled the air. Bringing up his helmets vox link, Ferrus linked to the other pack leader. “We can make something up ahead. Can you see anything?” The channel was filled with static until the reply came.
“No, we can’t see anything, we’ll stand ready and inform you of any change.”  The vox clicked off and Ferrus drew his Frost blade, activating it. Gesturing to the pack behind him to move forward, the pack broke into a run as he advanced with the pack, low growls echoing amongst them as they ran through the cloud. Across the field the sound of bolter fire echoed around. Ferrus and his pack came to a sudden halt at the sound, opening the vox link once again Ferrus barked down the channel.
“Whats happening over there? What can you see?” The vox link clicked open, only the sound of bolter fire and what could only be described as the crackling of burning could be heard.  Clicking the vox off Ferrus turned to his pack, before he could utter a word the ground began exploding and a large green luminous blob, which impacted on the ground throwing two grey hunters along with most of the ground they were stood on exploded. Behind him the pack scattered running for cover. Ferrus stood firm as a second green bolt was flung his way. Holding his shield up the bolt landed squarely in the middle, waves of green energy washing over the shield, as another grey hunter’s chest exploded .
Turning to the pack and opening up the vox channel once more Ferrus snarled as he uttered the words he’d hoped never to have to speak in battle. “We must retreat, this is a battle we can’t win. Pull back and regroup!” A reply began to form from another pack member before another crackling fizzing noise filled the link. Turning back once more he could now make out the shapes clearly now. The forms of Tactical Dreadnought Armoured figures stepped forward, the lead figure armed with a hammer surrounded by crackling energy and a large shield, his bone coloured armour almost blended against the snow and his green robes flapped in the wind. It was then that Ferrus realised who they were facing. “Fall back!” He yelled, growling at the realisation, their enemy was none other than 1st legion, El Johnson’s legion, the Dark Angels. He would see to it that they would have retribution for this defeat, on his life he swore it.

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