Tuesday 22 April 2014

Opening Salvo

Hi all, my name is Jonathan, some of you may have seen my other blog: http://khador-riseofthemachine.blogspot.co.uk, if you haven't not to worry, for those of you who have this blog is going to be far more general in nature, so not soley focusing on Khador or even Warmachine and Hordes, I aim to share on many other systems and armies, such as my Space Wolves for Warhammer 40K, the Middenheim Empire army of Warhammer Fantasy, even delving into the somewhat unknown systems such as Mordheim and Necromunda (I say unknown simply as a certain company chose to not support them more than anything, but the less I go there the better.)

As with my previous blog there will be breakdowns on models and units in game, but for the most part this blog will be more hobby than gaming focusing on the other sides to the hobby that are so appealing, so keep your eyes peeled for updates from the field of my progress in the 40K tale of gamers, the ongoing struggle in the old world through the eyes of a Middeheim witch hunter and various scrapes that occur when one of my RP personas jump into their respective universes.

Hopefully I should be able to get a few guest writers on now and again to share their experiences as ultimately that's what the hobby is for me, a collection of shared experiences through the medium of gaming. So please feel free to share your experiences here, that is what this blog is all about, learning from others and retelling your greatest experiences in the hobby.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy the ride :)

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