Tuesday 29 April 2014


Ferrus stood watching the sky, several days had passed since the last battle and those who had survived were on their way to recovering, though some faster than others. Ferrus clutched his chest as he felt his wound burn, the pain wasn’t caused by the physical wound but by the damage to his pride being laid low in combat. His pack was taking a beating and he had to lead by example.
“Sir?” Ferrus turned to see Lief, by far the quickest to recover of all the injured, a few fractures to his left arm, but as Lief had joked at the time, he only ever shot with his right so it made little difference. “The young one is awake, he picked up a data slate from one of the fallen marines we fought previously, I’ll say one thing for him, he’s a hard one there’s no doubt of that.” Ferrus turned to him.

“That sounded like praise Lief, are you growing soft on the youngsters now?” Lief grinned and shook his head.

“No, but that boy is something special, to have survived all that time, to have tracked us and then to have survived that volley, you saw it first hand, theres not many like him.

“Aye there’s not.” Ferrus turned and walked back to the ruined building the wolves had taken to using as a temporary base of operations while resupplying. Ducking under the fallen girder he walked to the slab where Jaeger was. Jaeger brought himself up to a sitting position, causing a fair bit of pain in doing so, but he tried to hide it as much as possible. “Jaeger, I’ve been told that’s your name?”

“Yes, my lord, thats right.” Ferrus looked Jaeger in the eye.

“You don’t need to refer to me by title Jaeger, you have truly earned my respect, please call me Ferrus.” Jaeger looked somewhat surprised at this, though he’d barely seen the wolf lord he served in the fifty or so years he’d been part of his company. Bowing his head he replied.

“Thank you Ferrus.” Ferrus pulled Jaeger up to his feet.

“Also no bowing your head, none of this.” Gesturing at Jaeger, “You’re a space wolf, a warrior of Russ, have pride in that, but know that there is a time to show respect and there are ways of doing that without allowing people to believe you are their lap dogs.” With that he turned and walked back outside. Lief watched as he left then turned to Jaeger.

“Don’t worry, I gave him that very same speech when he was a Blood Claw, many moons ago, only I gave him that speech after a well deserved beating. We are all at one time insignificant in our own eyes, it just takes the right person and the right words to teach you otherwise.” Jaeger stood somewhat bewildered, absorbing what he’d just been told, following Lief slowly as Lief also walked back outside.
The roar of engines filled the ruined city as the Thunderhawk flashed across the sky. Circling a couple of times then landing softly the front hatch opened and down prowled four enormous (even by space wolf standards) thunderwolves, each with a rider atop of them. Leaping from their mounts they walked towards Ferrus.

“Jurgen, Berek, Angar and Grarl. It is good to see you again brothers.” Jaeger looked on as Ferrus and the four wolf riders greeted one another.

“Ferrus’ bodyguard, elites among elites, handpicked from the Wolf Guard, who knows one day you may even get that honour lad.” Lief chuckled as he uttered the last part, this was stifled as he saw some Long Fangs bearing Lascannons walking down the landing ramp, walking forward with a smile so wide you could clearly see his fangs bared. Jaeger felt a hand upon his shoulder turning to see Tor stood behind him.
“So you’re the one who saved Ferrus then? Very noble of you I must say” Jaeger met Tor’s gaze looking at the Rune priest with steely eyes.  Tor looked away to Ferrus and the wolf riders and started walking towards the huddled group as a black blur landed on his shoulder. The blur slowly took the form of a small raven like bird with gleaming red eyes, set straight on Jaeger. Jaeger walked towards Lief before another hand clasped his shoulder.

“Jaeger, I heard you are the last of your pack that means you’ve taken up the Oath of the Lone Wolf I presume?” Jaeger nodded. “In that case come with me I have something to show you.” Ferrus walked up the ramp of the Thunderhawk, Jaeger following close behind. Entering the front holding bay Ferrus walked towards a dark corner of the bay, a growling echoed around the room and Jaeger felt himself tense up ready for the unseen threat. “No need to worry boy, whats in this room isn’t going to hurt you.” Flicking a switch as he spoke Ferrus walked forward into the corner now illuminated towards a large cage holding a giant white thunder wolf. “This is Tyr, I caught him back on Fenris and he’s been a close companion in the many years since then.” Turning to Jaeger he continued, “however I didn’t bring you here to show off my mount.” Gesturing to a door in the wall he beckoned for Jaeger to open it. Walking forward Jaeger tentatively stood before the door, opening it to reveal a full suit of terminator armour, with a distinctive tower shield laid to one side of the armour and a chain blade attached under the left fist. “If you are to avenge your pack I believe it only proper that you are equipped to do so, but you will not do it alone. Since landing on this planet I have been befriended by several wolf companions, I believe that they will follow you too, so in battle they shall fight by your side, just as mine do.” As he said this a deep brown wolf and a black wolf entered the room, the brown wolf sitting at his side, the black wolf lying staring in Tyr’s general direction. Ferrus laughed, “it seems your pack has been chosen for you.” Placing his hand on Jaeger’s shoulder he continued. “Treat them well and they will do the same in return. They will be your pack, as your brothers were before.” 

“I won’t let you down Ferrus.” Ferrus nodded.

“Good and in return upon completion of your oath you shall join my body guard. As my battle leader, when the time comes, though tis a long journey and there is much yet to be seen, all we can do is our duty. For the Allfather.”

“For the Allfather.” Jaeger replied

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