Tuesday 22 April 2014

Period 1 List/The Wolves Descend

This is the list I chose for the opening two games of the tale, the stipulations were that the General (in this case Ferrus) had to be included and the usual two troops choices as per 40k's rule set

Wolf Lord (100) (Ferrus Stormwolf). Runic Armour (20), Frost Blade (25), Storm Shield (30), Saga of the Beast slayer (10), Fenrisian Wolf x 2 (20), Wolf Tooth Necklace (10)

Grey Hunters x 10 (150), Flamer (free), Plasma gun (free)

Grey Hunters x 9 (135), Flamer (free)

Total: 490 Points

As you can see I went a little crazy in tooling Ferrus to the teeth straight from the get go, just seemed fitting given the nature of the character, being that he plans to try to get into combat a lot (6th edition really doesn't help him much), however given that I'm playing space wolves I do have the best possible (basic) troops available in the form of Grey Hunters, if only I'd had 5 points free to get that second Plasma gun... I mean last Grey Hunter.

And following on from the previous post here is the next installment of the ongoing story of Ferrus and his Great company.

Part 1

The Thunderhawk dove through the clouds, the icy ground in front rushing up to meet it. The pilot pressed several buttons and pulled by on the controls, the Thunderhawk quickly responded, levelling out and rising to avoid the jutting outcrops just feet below. Peering out of the forward viewing port Ferrus stole a glance at the port side wing. As he suspected it had sustained heavy damage from their earlier entanglement.
“Is there anywhere we can put down?” The Grey Hunter piloting the craft glanced at several screens before shaking his head.
“I’m afraid not Milord, the ice is either too patchy or the surface is far too uneven to attempt a landing given the state of the ship.” Ferrus sighed, gathering his thoughts. Their descent from the battle barge had been uneventful, the machine spirit had located what it believed has a locator beacon and the pilot had followed that marker. Upon reaching the location the wolves had been rather surprised to not find any evidence of the forges or manufactorums, instead they were greeted by a large open area, with no sign of any form of anything. Before questions could be asked the sky was filled with green lights flashing past on all sides.

Taking evasive manoeuvres the pilot managed to dodge the majority, however a number of shots made their mark. Slowly hits began to pile on the Thunderhawk, slowly cutting power to systems and severely hinder the pilot’s ability to control the craft. In a last ditch attempt to save them from being shot out of the sky, Ferrus ordered the pilot to make towards the atmosphere, before cutting the engines and gliding back to Orpheus on the planet’s gravity. For the most part the plan had worked, the Thunderhawk was still flying, though the manoeuvre hadn’t come without cost, one of the engines was intermittently cutting out due to sudden burst of power and the Thunderhawk’s hull was starting to give way in areas that had been shot. Coming back from his thoughts Ferrus had a realisation, he stood and gestured for the Grey hunter to follow him, punching the button for the shipwide vox caster.

“Brothers, our ship has taken us as far as it can and we must now take our leave. Gather your equipment and mount up in the rhinos, we shall use them to reach the surface.” The vox cut out and the Grey hunter quickly walked from the cockpit towards the ships holding bay. Ferrus stopped and knelt for a moment, silently thanking the Thunderhawk’s machine spirit for it’s loyal service. Ferrus then rose and strode towards the holding bay also, picking up his Storm shield and Fang as he went.
Entering the holding bay Ferrus cast his eyes over the room, his men were mostly on board the rhino’s, bar two. Ferrus called them both over, pointing at two panels on the wall.

“Those panels are the controls for the magna grapples holding our rhinos in place.” Both Grey hunters nodded. “When I give the signal, you are to shoot those panels with the Rhino’s stormbolters, not before else there’s no telling where we will be dropped.” The grey hunters looked at each other for a moment a little unsure of how to respond. “It’s that or someone stays behind and manually operates them and I’d rather not waste anyone’s life in such a sacrifice. Seemingly satisfied with this, the Grey hunters turned sprinting to the Rhinos, Ferrus followed, leaping into the lead rhino. Donning his helmet, he clicked his vox on once more, linking to the other rhino. Counting quietly in his head Ferrus waited before bellowing “Now.” With that there was a whrring noise, followed by a series of gunshots, explosions and finally a whistling. Turning to the grey hunter sat to his left Ferrus nodded and the grey hunter twisted the lever in front of him and on the screen in front of him, the stormbolter swung around letting loose a barrage of shots, several finding their mark, then the screen turned to white as the rhino fell.

For a few seconds everything was peaceful, except for the rushing air passing round them and the wind whistling around. Then came an almighty thud as the rhino and the ground beneath connected. The rhino kept moving forward with momentum, the tracks not fully gripping and suddenly the screen showed an unpleasant sight. From what Ferrus could make of what he was seeing their rhino was sliding towards a large crevice in the ice, likely far too deep for the drop to be one that even the Emperor’s finest could survive. The Grey Hunter nearest the rear hatch kicked it down and leapt from the Rhino, swiftly followed by the rest of the Rhino’s occupants, including Ferrus. The rhino kept going, falling into the crevice with several loud bangs and metallic smashing noises, followed by a somewhat subdued explosion. Allowing his men a moment to catch their breath Ferrus unlocked his helmet and took a deep breath of the air. The planet smelt like Fenris, almost felt like it too, he smiled to himself, turning to the Grey Hunters who were now getting to their feet.

“We have arrived brothers, now we shall deliver the All Father’s wrath upon the heretics that dare wrest control of one of his sacred planets. For Russ! For the All Father!” The Grey Hunters cheered in unison, Ferrus began walking along the path their Rhino had left in the snow. “If we head this way we should find our brothers, then together our enemies.” Ferrus paused his voice dropping to a guttural growl. “They shall know fear.”

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