Tuesday 29 April 2014


Ferrus stood alone in the dark room. Rök weighed heavily in his hands, raising his arm he pointed at his invisible enemy. Holding his stance for a moment, he hesitated, then his training kicked in. Pulling the axe in a tight arc across his chest, he then twisted back cleaving the thin air in two. Spinning he switched back to a one handed grip swinging from behind his head moving in a fluid arc finishing in a two handed stance. He stopped pausing for breath, he had been training whenever he had a spare moment since the engagement with the Necrons. Yes, the Necrons, now my enemies have a name. The data slate Jaegor had recovered had provided Ferrus with some answers to his many questions. The Tryanids, the Necrons, now he knew a little more about them from the information they had gleaned Ferrus hoped to be able to fight them more effectively, though that still left some more concerning foes.

“Still practicing?” Ferrus ignored the voice, returning to his practice. “You can’t kill me with a blade you know.” The voice mockingly joked, Ferrus continued swinging Rök cutting from left to right then bringing it down in a double handed strike. “So when did you figure it out? I must admit that I’d figured you for a brutish lout. I figured you to be all muscles and no brain. Yet with for all that...”
“Be silent!” Ferrus barked back. The voice laughed.

“Ha, you give me commands? I am not one of your pack, your lowly whelps crawling in the dirt, I am something far greater.”

“You are nothing, a fallen spectre. A defeated enemy, who taunts me by appearing as a friend. You have no power over me, nor my pack. I’m done with you, there is nothing you can do to me or anyone as you are now.”

“Once again, young wolf you are sorely mistaken.” Ferrus paused suddenly the pieces started falling into place. “Ah there it is the realisation.” Again laughter filled the room. “The seeds have been sown, as I’ve always said this planet is a crucible, the question is what will be the product of it? I could answer that question right now all you have to do is ask.“

“Be gone foul being and do not return!” A mocking reply came swiftly.

“Oh worry not my lord. This is my last visit to you, though do not consider me gone for long, I shall return and when I do, well let us say it shall be most unpleasant for you.” The voice rang off with mocking laughter once more and Ferrus found himself alone in the room. Jaegor walked into the room, fully suited up in the suit of terminator armour.

“Ferrus, is everything ok? I heard you yelling.” Ferrus shook his head.

“It’s nothing Jaegor, thank you for your concern.” Jaegor nodded and turned to leave. “Wait.” Jaegor stopped and turned back to Ferrus. “I have a request, something I need done, that I can only trust you to do.”


Ferrus stood watching the sky, several days had passed since the last battle and those who had survived were on their way to recovering, though some faster than others. Ferrus clutched his chest as he felt his wound burn, the pain wasn’t caused by the physical wound but by the damage to his pride being laid low in combat. His pack was taking a beating and he had to lead by example.
“Sir?” Ferrus turned to see Lief, by far the quickest to recover of all the injured, a few fractures to his left arm, but as Lief had joked at the time, he only ever shot with his right so it made little difference. “The young one is awake, he picked up a data slate from one of the fallen marines we fought previously, I’ll say one thing for him, he’s a hard one there’s no doubt of that.” Ferrus turned to him.

“That sounded like praise Lief, are you growing soft on the youngsters now?” Lief grinned and shook his head.

“No, but that boy is something special, to have survived all that time, to have tracked us and then to have survived that volley, you saw it first hand, theres not many like him.

“Aye there’s not.” Ferrus turned and walked back to the ruined building the wolves had taken to using as a temporary base of operations while resupplying. Ducking under the fallen girder he walked to the slab where Jaeger was. Jaeger brought himself up to a sitting position, causing a fair bit of pain in doing so, but he tried to hide it as much as possible. “Jaeger, I’ve been told that’s your name?”

“Yes, my lord, thats right.” Ferrus looked Jaeger in the eye.

“You don’t need to refer to me by title Jaeger, you have truly earned my respect, please call me Ferrus.” Jaeger looked somewhat surprised at this, though he’d barely seen the wolf lord he served in the fifty or so years he’d been part of his company. Bowing his head he replied.

“Thank you Ferrus.” Ferrus pulled Jaeger up to his feet.

“Also no bowing your head, none of this.” Gesturing at Jaeger, “You’re a space wolf, a warrior of Russ, have pride in that, but know that there is a time to show respect and there are ways of doing that without allowing people to believe you are their lap dogs.” With that he turned and walked back outside. Lief watched as he left then turned to Jaeger.

“Don’t worry, I gave him that very same speech when he was a Blood Claw, many moons ago, only I gave him that speech after a well deserved beating. We are all at one time insignificant in our own eyes, it just takes the right person and the right words to teach you otherwise.” Jaeger stood somewhat bewildered, absorbing what he’d just been told, following Lief slowly as Lief also walked back outside.
The roar of engines filled the ruined city as the Thunderhawk flashed across the sky. Circling a couple of times then landing softly the front hatch opened and down prowled four enormous (even by space wolf standards) thunderwolves, each with a rider atop of them. Leaping from their mounts they walked towards Ferrus.

“Jurgen, Berek, Angar and Grarl. It is good to see you again brothers.” Jaeger looked on as Ferrus and the four wolf riders greeted one another.

“Ferrus’ bodyguard, elites among elites, handpicked from the Wolf Guard, who knows one day you may even get that honour lad.” Lief chuckled as he uttered the last part, this was stifled as he saw some Long Fangs bearing Lascannons walking down the landing ramp, walking forward with a smile so wide you could clearly see his fangs bared. Jaeger felt a hand upon his shoulder turning to see Tor stood behind him.
“So you’re the one who saved Ferrus then? Very noble of you I must say” Jaeger met Tor’s gaze looking at the Rune priest with steely eyes.  Tor looked away to Ferrus and the wolf riders and started walking towards the huddled group as a black blur landed on his shoulder. The blur slowly took the form of a small raven like bird with gleaming red eyes, set straight on Jaeger. Jaeger walked towards Lief before another hand clasped his shoulder.

“Jaeger, I heard you are the last of your pack that means you’ve taken up the Oath of the Lone Wolf I presume?” Jaeger nodded. “In that case come with me I have something to show you.” Ferrus walked up the ramp of the Thunderhawk, Jaeger following close behind. Entering the front holding bay Ferrus walked towards a dark corner of the bay, a growling echoed around the room and Jaeger felt himself tense up ready for the unseen threat. “No need to worry boy, whats in this room isn’t going to hurt you.” Flicking a switch as he spoke Ferrus walked forward into the corner now illuminated towards a large cage holding a giant white thunder wolf. “This is Tyr, I caught him back on Fenris and he’s been a close companion in the many years since then.” Turning to Jaeger he continued, “however I didn’t bring you here to show off my mount.” Gesturing to a door in the wall he beckoned for Jaeger to open it. Walking forward Jaeger tentatively stood before the door, opening it to reveal a full suit of terminator armour, with a distinctive tower shield laid to one side of the armour and a chain blade attached under the left fist. “If you are to avenge your pack I believe it only proper that you are equipped to do so, but you will not do it alone. Since landing on this planet I have been befriended by several wolf companions, I believe that they will follow you too, so in battle they shall fight by your side, just as mine do.” As he said this a deep brown wolf and a black wolf entered the room, the brown wolf sitting at his side, the black wolf lying staring in Tyr’s general direction. Ferrus laughed, “it seems your pack has been chosen for you.” Placing his hand on Jaeger’s shoulder he continued. “Treat them well and they will do the same in return. They will be your pack, as your brothers were before.” 

“I won’t let you down Ferrus.” Ferrus nodded.

“Good and in return upon completion of your oath you shall join my body guard. As my battle leader, when the time comes, though tis a long journey and there is much yet to be seen, all we can do is our duty. For the Allfather.”

“For the Allfather.” Jaeger replied


The rising sun cast long shadows across the plains, the warmth dulled by the icy wind blowing among the glaciers. Ferrus held up a hand and behind him the Grey Hunter squad halted. Stooping to the ground he rested his gauntleted palm upon the snow, pausing for a second he focused on the small tremors he felt. Glancing towards the horizon Ferrus squinted, he could make out several large silhouettes and given their past experiences what followed was likely not to be a friendly exchange.
Pointing to a half wreck building to the east of their location Ferrus turned to face the Long fangs.
“Tor, you shall accompany Leif and his squad, provide some cover for us while we close.” Tor nodded and started walking, the long fangs following close behind, leaving only Leif stood still. Ferrus cocked his head at Leif.
“Forgive me brother, I just wished to discuss something important with you, I believe there is something different about Tor.” Ferrus glanced at Tor now far out of ear shot then returned his gaze back to Leif.”
“What exactly?” Leif shrugged as much as his armour would allow.
“It’s just a feeling Ferrus, I’m concerned there is much on this planet that feels out of place, it could just be nothing.” Ferrus clapped a hand on Leif’s shoulder
“We will speak of this more later brother, for now we must do our duty.” Leif nodded and ran after his squad, leaving Ferrus with the Grey Hunter Squads. “My brothers, once more battle beckons and it is for us to answer the call.”

Jaeger vaulted over the debris, he could tell he was drawing near he’d been tracking his fellow wolves for at least a week and now he was close. He could smell the acrid smell of exhaust fumes from the rhinos and he could make out the clearest set of tank tracks and foot prints he’d seen in that time. Charging forward he attempted activating his vox link once again, only to be met with static, he growled with frustration, tossing his helmet away. All that mattered was rejoining the pack now, then he would go about avenging his pack mates.

Skarvald sat ready by the view screen in the rhino, he was anxious for the signal, while he was the most patient of his brethren in his pack, Skarvald could not deny that the call to battle was stirring his more feral side. Glancing back to the view screen he took control of viewport, surveying the area.. Ferrus had positioned their forces so that a large ruined building blocked their rhinos from line of sight, whilst Ferrus and his squad had taken cover in a ruined sanctum, all lying in wait until the signal came to advance. Until then all that could be done was to wait.
From nowhere a sudden hail of green flashes blasted in the direction of the rhinos, one shot glancing off the rhino holding the centre, although the shot only glanced there was noticeable damage visible on the rhino. Having seen the shots from the view screen Skarvald turned to the doorway leading to the cockpit of the rhino yelling,
“Move for cover, now!” Gunning the rhino’s engines the pilot charged the rhino into the building smashing down walls as it went. There was a crackle over the vox then Ferrus’ voice rang out through the rhino.
“Get back in formation, we must counterattack!” Skarvald punched the vox on and called back
“We have no choice, we won’t last long against fire power of that magnitude!” A pause followed before Ferrus barked back down the vox.
“Then get closer, engage them at point blank range. We may take a few of them with us.” Skarvald growled then forced it down, turning back to the view screen he saw movement ahead. From a forest across the way silver skeleton figures marched shooting green blasts as they went, amongst them Skarvald spotted one figure, more ornately adorned than the others, not wielding a gun but a scythe like weapon. Clicking the vox back on Skarvald replied.
“We shall, I believe we have located the enemy’s commander also not far from our position.” The satisfaction in Ferrus’ reply was obvious.
“Good, take the fight to them brothers, I shall be there shortly.”
Ferrus clicked his vox link to a separate channel. “Leif you heard that last transmission?”
“Aye sir we have them sighted, and some big vehicles on our flanks.”
“Take their big guns first, then focus on the commander.”
“Confirmed Ferrus, Morkai shall not go hungry today.” Pointing to the long barge like chassis infront of them Leif gave the signal, a barrage of rockets and lightning flew towards the barge yet despite connecting they apparently did little to slow the barge. The Heavy bolter shells were another matter, aiming for the squad emerging from the forest some shots flew wide however a fair number exploded the skeletons into various pieces, some manically flailing as if still alive, if the beings could in fact be referred to as ‘alive’. Leif grimaced, the barge wouldn’t not be easy to deal with, cursing his decision not to have requested a lascannon he darted behind a low wall as another barrage took out some of the squad. By my blood this enemy shall pay.

Jaeger was close enough to see the opening salvos, even from the distance he was from the battle he could tell the enemy had powerful guns, some of the shots overshot the other squads and landed close by. The heat from the detonations was intense, almost comparable to the heat of a melta gun discharging. Breaking into the forest Jaeger surveyed his position, there were two crescent shaped vehicles hovering a fair distance off the ground closing fast on his position. No big monster of legend, but killing you shall avenge my pack, reaching his belt he grabbed a krak grenade and waited for the right moment.

The second rhino moved up the side of the building opening fire on the squad now erring on exiting the forest, the top hatch being flung open as two grey hunters loosed bolter rounds and plasma bolts in their direction. More skeletons fell, only for a few of them to stand up once more continuing to return fire, despite various levels of damage to them.
“Damn sorcery, they don’t seem to want to stay down.” One Grey Hunter called out.
“Worry not brother, we have plenty of shells to go around.” Another replied, both shared a moment of hearty laughter whilst shells impacted into further skeletons.

Skarvald maintained glued to the view screen occasionally taking control of the rhino’s storm bolter to fire a suppressing barrage at a unit. The battle was not going well, so far the wolves had made little impact on the enemy forces whilst the Long fangs and rhinos were taking a pounding from the enemy return barrage. Out of the corner of the screen Skarvald saw a green orb growing at the prow of one of the barges, seconds later it filled the view screen, in which time Skarvald had kicked the side hatch open and flung two of his brothers out, following swiftly behind. With Skarvald barely metres from the rhino the orb impacted into the front plate of the rhino which exploded in a blinding flash and a bone crunching squelch noise.
Twisting round to see behind him Skarvald saw one of his brothers slumped against the wall, his body leaning forwards, blood pooling at his feet. Rolling over he reached for his holster pulling his pistol briefly aiming at his brother’s bare head and pulled the trigger. Looking around he could see his brother’s faces, there was a mix of shock and anger, Skarvald knew part of that was aimed at him, but everyone there knew the marine couldn’t have been brought back from that sort of injury and that had it been him he’d have wanted the same. Briefly pausing he uttered a few words of prayer to the allfather in respect for his fallen brother, then rising to his feet he joined the rest of the squad making for the far wall. The squad lined up then looked to Skarvald, who in turn gestured to the squad lingering on the forests edge.
“We hit them and we hit them hard.” The squad nodded almost simultaneously and as the second rhino passed the building they broke cover bolters blazing, once more taking the fight to the enemy.

From the Long Fangs position Leif could see the explosion, his squad was being practically obliterated and now another squad was looking to be next in line. As this thought crossed his mind another two Long Fangs fell to the vehicles closing on the right flank.
“Cursed blo...” Lief was cut short as a bolt hit him square in the chest blowing him clean off the building roof, his fall cushioned by the snow, but still the fall caused something to break. The world swirled around Lief for a second before fading to blackness I shall enter the jaws of Morkai proudly. Having seen this happen Tor’s fury exploded channelling the runes as the last Long fang collapsed he raised his staff high in the air at the very moment that lightning jumped from the fallen Fang to Tor’s staff. The current raced through every fibre of his body, his cybernetic eye shut off and Tor’s beard singed he great Rune priest held himself upon his staff uttering some quiet words before collapsing.
“It shall be so.”

Ferrus stood ready, he had seen the rhino explode on the left flank, the Long Fangs and Tor falling. His plan lay in tatters, now there was only him and the other Grey hunters to route the enemy, looking to his squad and his wolf companions, he raised his axe gesturing to the building the Long Fangs had taken refuge in. The squad didn’t need to hear the words they already knew what to do. The contingency plan was in play, if the flank attack failed, Ferrus and his squad were going to carry the fight down the centre, hopefully carrying the day. Vaulting from the septum the squad charged across the open ground some falling to the bombardment. Upon reaching the building the remaing pack members took shelter, Ferrus raced to Lief’s fallen form. He felt to his knees a howl gathering in his throat, only to be interrupted by repeated coughing just in front of him.
“Sorry Ferrus, couldn’t quite hold them down.” Ferrus stood.
“You did your duty my friend, I could ask for little more.” Lief laughed, then coughed, spitting a small amount of blood, Ferrus’ brow creased beneath his helmet.
“I’ll live.” Lief grinned through the pain, “All on you now though.”
“Aye, we shall carry this day yet, brother.” Lief nodded then blacked out once more. A cry came up from the opposite end of the building.
“I see something, could be one of ours!” Ferrus rushed to the other side of the building. At first he could only see the crescent shaped hovering cannons that had decimated his right flank, then from the forest they were passing a red blur launched at the nearest vehicle, latching on to the rear of the craft then jumping clear. What followed next was a small explosion, yet as so many times before the vehicle continued unabated. From an unseen angle there was a massive amount of weapons discharges in the direction of the red blur. Ferrus felt his rage building.
“We shall take the fight to them, and they shall know fear.”

Skarvald reloaded his bolter, feeding a fresh clip into it as the rest of this pack emptied rounds into the remaining members of the squad still stood in the boundaries of the forest. In front of them the second rhino had been brought to a halt and wrecked by the enemy barges, forcing the other pack into the open, slowly men were dropping from each pack as the withering firepower took it’s toll. To Skarvald’s left a large detonation threw men and dirt into the air, leaving Skarvald the last man standing, he ran to the corner of the wrecked rhino, gesturing to the other grey hunters to engage a new squad of the metallic skeletons that had appeared. Firing more rounds into the squad into the forest , he turned to see where the other grey hunter squad was. Across the plain he saw the crescent shaped vehicles firing into the third grey hunter squad, with Ferrus at the point. In a moment Ferrus leapt at the lead vehicle slashing with his axe furiously. The vehicle suddenly stuttered and fell to the ground it’s guns still active, but whatever was keeping it off the ground had been disabled. Flashes past Skarvald’s head caused to him to readjust his attention as he flung a grenade into the forest. On his right the Grey hunters he’d sent to fight the newest squad had ripped through them and advanced back towards Ferrus. Just a little more and this battle is ours.
Ferrus dodged the cannon blasts, slicing the barrels as he dodged. The vehicle suddenly died and the squad cheered. Ferrus glanced across the field, he saw the wrecked rhino with Skarvald holding the enemy commander in place and the remains of the other squad moving towards him. As he looked something caught his eye.
“Bran?” Ferrus called out. A figure in black armour wrapped in a wolf cloak was stood in the middle of the battlefield, in his right hand was a mace, it’s head winged with a wolf skull set in the middle. There was only one such crozius in the entire imperium of that specific design, belonging to Bran the Red Slayer one of the greatest wolf priests in living memory. Ferrus’ pack members looked at each other confused.
“My lord? Are you alright?” Ferrus turned and pointed where the figure was stood.
“It’s Bran, can you not see him?” The grey hunters looked at the spot where Ferrus was pointing yet there was nothing there.
“No, My lord, we can’t see anything.” Ferrus turned, just in time to see the incoming fire from the second vehicle. Raising his shield he managed to deflect most of the shots, though some flew past and incapacitated most of his pack and his wolves. In response Ferrus charged the vehicle tearing it’s barrel in two, before hitting the vehicles power source and stopping it functioning. To his left the grey hunter squad fell to a combination of two massive orbs and lightning being fired from some unseen assailants. Skarvald now also was falling back towards Ferrus with the enemy commander in close pursuit.
“My lord, the battle is l...” Skarvald’s call was cut midsentence as a massive explosion threw him into the air, coming down with a soft thud. Ferrus stood frozen for a moment before his rage took him and he charged the enemy commander, leaping into the squad, singling it out, swing his axe to bear only to feel a searing heat across his chest. He looked down, Rök falling from his grasp as he fell to his knees, a gaping gash in his armour from his left shoulder down to his right hip weeping blood. Ferrus stared into the machine’s eyes, coldy staring, uttering.
“I shall make you know.” He paused as he coughed some blood onto the snow. “Fear.” Then promptly collapsed.

Light shone just in front of Ferrus’ eyes, opening them he was greeted by the sight of Lief and Skarvald, both bloodied and battered, from their battle wounds. Rousing slightly Ferrus looked to Lief.
“My brother, I believe it is time we call in the cavalry.”


The Rhinos ground to a halt, stopping just within the boundaries of the ruined city. Ferrus opened the side hatch and proceed outside. The surrounding area was mostly manuactorums and grey buildings probably of the administratum, though at this point in time they were little more than ruined husks of their former selves, left to crumble into the sorry state they were now. Removing his helmet Ferrus took a long deep sniff of the air, he caught the scent once more, it was a familiar scent yet it was not a welcome one. Turning back to the rhino he gestured for Tor and Leif’s Long fang pack to exit the rhino also.

“How far are we from the signal’s sources?” Ferrus inquired turning to Leif who glanced at the scanning device in his hand.

“300 clicks. In that direction.” Pointing further into the city.
“Good.” Ferrus scanned the area briefly taking stock of their surroundings, twice they had gone into battle unprepared and come from the battle battered and bruised, this time however, he had been handed a great opportunity, to be the hunter and to stalk his prey the way he had been trained to ever since his time as a blood claw. Pointing to the tallest building in view Ferrus turned back to the Long Fangs. “You shall hold that vantage point, rain fire down upon our prey.” Leif nodded in acknowledgement and set out with his squad in tow. “Brother,” Ferrus turned to Tor “I want you to join them for this battle, your talents are best suited to aiding them.” Tor grinned.

“If that is your wish my lord, I shall bring the thunder down upon their heads, before they are aware they are being set upon.” Ferrus nodded and Tor followed the Long Fang pack. Ferrus then turned back to the rhinos, moving to the second rhino, one of the squads within disembarked, checking weapons and performing other pre battle rituals.
“Your squad is with me Skarvald. We shall hold the left flank and attempt to ascertain the origin of the signal and if possible obtain the source.” Skarvald nodded, he felt great honour at having been elevated to the leader of the pack, even though he felt unsure of his worth of the honour given how the previous battles had played out, however it was his lord’s wish that made it so and he was not going to argue. Ferrus then activated the comm link in his helmet, ordering the two squads in the rhinos to move to their allocated positions and then hold there. With that Ferrus gestured to the squad and started marching towards their position. So the long game now begins.

A few hours passed with little occurring a slight wind picked up picking up the grey astro granite dust and flinging it into the air, the sun light was dimming softly, yet it was still easy for the Long Fang pack to make out several dark silhouettes on the horizon, occasionally disappearing from view due to the buildings. The call went out and across the battle field the wolves readied themselves. The Long Fangs readied their weapons taking aim at the silhouettes, it was then that Leif saw them. A few hundred clicks beyond where the signal was eminating, stood a tall large structure, in far better shape than the others and on the upper floor Leif saw several glints of light as if there was something shining or light was reflecting off something. Calling across to the pack members wielding Heavy bolters he pointed towards the building, understanding Leif’s command they took up position and aimed, at the same time the Rocket Launcher wielding squad members took aim for the nearest silhouette, still no clear despite being markedly closer than before. Tor also prepared, channelling runic powers the likes of which Leif had rarely seen before, blue streaks ran up and down Tor’s Staff and through his hands. Leif took one last look towards the targets and gave the order.
At once there was a tremendous roar as the rockets flew towards the target, combined with the thunderous thuds of heavy bolter shells impacting upon the building and the almighty crash of lightning similarly falling upon the nearest silhouette. The first few lightning strikes hit home, but seemed to do little, it was only when a krak missile flew into the left side of the boxy looking vehicle that the vehicle burst into flames before shortly after exploding in fantastic fashion.

On the right flank the two rhinos gunned their engines, roaring forward in an attempt to flank the oncoming unknown foes, churning up smoke and dust as they went. Popping the vehicles smoke canisters for extra cover the vehicles raced forwards, sighting another boxy looking vehicle and a floating smaller vehicle. Popping the top hatches, both plasma and bolter shells impacted on the front of the craft, turning it into a small inferno charring whatever had been piloting the craft before they had even hit the ground. They then swerved to avoid the bright blast coming from their left causing the crew and the targeting computers to lose their bearings for a period. One grey hunter growled under his breath.

“We should be fighting them face to face not in a manner such as this.” An older hunter turned to him.

“Whelp, if you wish to go and tear into those things out there with nought but tooth and claw, feel free. Just know that there would be few songs sung in great halls of how your insides decorated the ground so well.” For a moment the youngster growled, but stomached it, switching his attention back to his combat blade.
“Soon then,” he growled “soon.”

Ferrus ducked down behind the ruined cathedral wall just before the shell impacted into the ground mere meters from him and the squad. He was grimly enjoying this, he’d not faced a battle the likes of this in years, the great siege of Agripina VII, where he had fought alongside the Imperial Fists and the White Scars tearing down a fortress held by the Iron Warrior traitor legion. The battle had been a glorious victory, though Ferrus still carried one important lesson from that day, the value of cover when outgunned. Peering over the wall he could see little for the cloud of dust and the smoke from the barrel. However he could clearly pick out engines and gunfire and further from ear shot explosions and the acrid smell of burning wrecks. He paused for a moment taking stock of his options, turning back to his squad he looked at them and his wolves at his side, fiercely meeting their master’s gaze.

“We have one option, when the opportunity arises, we shall leap over this wall and take whatever monstrosity the enemy have, then we shall take the building where the signal is. We may not all survive this, but there shall be a great many songs sung in the Asheim of what we do here today!” A roar rose up, joined by the wolves howling, under his helm Ferrus grinned. Battle shall be joined.

“Aye brother, it shall and we shall see how you are shaped by it.

Leif signalled and once more a volley of bolts, rockets and lightning went forth causing further blasts sending rubble and shards of metal flying. Glancing to the target building Leif noticed one of the enemy vehicles skidding around the front of the building, disgorging troops, cutting off the Wolves’ rhinos attempting the flanking manoeuvre. Leif, took a moment watching the vehicle before realising the vehicle in question was a rhino, like the very vehicles that the wolves’ were fielding, thus the enemy they were fighting could only be fellow Adeptus Astartes or the great enemy. Briefly looking for markings on the vehicle he could clearly make out a cog with a skull inside it, while it was different to an emblem Leif had seen several times in his years of fighting he could only come to one conclusion. Opening a comm channel to all the wolves Leif called out.

“ Visual contact with the enemy, I see Iron Warrior Symbols, the enemy is Chaos, repeat, the enemy is Chaos.”
The call rang out through everyone’s helmets, those who were wearing them had a shared feeling, one of slight dread and boiling fury. On the left flank one of the rhinos rushed forward in an attempt to disable an enemy rhino failing to do anything in the attempt. Inside the squad jumped out of the rhino from both side and rear hatches, firing at the nearest squad from the latest exploded rhino, the rhino’s storm bolter also fired in support, taking down several men with the volley. From the target building the enemy troops spilled forth firing as they went. Tor noticed it first, the signal was moving towards enemy lines.

“Ferrus, the signal is moving, I believe the source is in our enemies hands now.” Ferrus growled, growing into a full bodied howl, before flinging himself over the wall with wolves in tow, Skarvald quick on his heels, the last few men of the squad however, were slow to act and found themselves buried under the ruins as a shell hit home obliterating the building. Charging forward Ferrus brought his shield up in time to catch a powerful blast and what felt like plasma exploding in green ripples over it’s surface. Cursing under his breath Ferrus kept charging forward, noticing that his squad was thinning out rapidly as he went. It was then when he noticed them, to his right the rhinos lay smoking wrecks, the squads laying on the floor, some stirring others not, to his left his squad and wolves were in a similar state. In front of him lay a Vindicator, a Razorback and a squad with a man at it’s head wielding a glowing sword. A blast grazed Ferrus’ shoulder, green ripples passing over his armour, for a moment Ferrus felt pain emanating in that area, only to ignore it and then be buffeted by some unseen energies, screaming howling voices tearing into his thoughts.

“Weak, Traitorous dog, you are nothing to me and I shall have you fall in dishonour.”

The voices continued tearing at him, Ferrus felt his rage growing, unable to withhold it any longer he howled at the top of his lungs.

His howl was met with a full volley, bolter fire, plasma, every weapon imaginable fired all at once on Ferrus. In stern defiance Ferrus brought up his shield and braced himself. What happened next felt like it lasted for an age as shot after shot impact on the shield, neither man nor metal giving an inch, till there was nothing but dust and blue energy rippling across the shield’s surface. Catching the gaze of the man with the sword Ferrus pointed his Forst axe at the figure. “The next time we meet remember this battle, and remember my words. I shall be your vanquisher!”

Sunday 27 April 2014


A little snippet following Jaegor as the events upon the planet Opheous unfold:

Jaeger walked through the city, stepping over the burning rubble. In the distance he could see several burned out vehicles, some baring the sigil of the wolf, others bore a symbol that Jaeger was unfamiliar with. Marching on through the city he followed the plasma scoring and the empty bolter casings.

As he went he saw many bodies, some charred beyond recognition others, relatively untouched. Jaeger stopped for a second, listening. He could hear a soft whirring noise, to his left he saw a man in black power armour, baring his left arm, which still maintained a spark of life twitching as servos span, whilst the rest of the body lay still.

Moving over to the body he noticed the emblem on the shoulder pad. A cog with a skull set inside. Jaeger stepped back for a second believing it to be the emblem of the Iron Warrior traitor legion. But, he thought, this looks no more a warrior of chaos than I. Taking the man’s helm from his head revealed a bald head, down the left side, the right was purely mechanical with the red lens of an optic implant in place of the man’s eye. The only time Jaeger had seen a man like this was when fighting alongside the Iron Hand’s legion, cold calculating, some even said inhuman soldiers, even by Astartes’ standards, only their badge was not the badge emblazoned upon the shoulder pad either.

“This world has truly gone mad.” Jaeger shook his head, noticing a data slate poking out of a pouch on the man’s waist, picking it from the pouch Jaeger studied it, unable to make sense of it himself he could at least link up with the rest of the company and pass it to someone who knew of the workings of such machinery. Pausing for a moment on that thought he once more surveyed the battlefield, judging by the debris the company likely hadn’t gotten far and would likely be a few hours ahead. Picking up his pace Jaeger ran deeper into the bowels of the city following the bolter casings as he went. I shall avenge my pack, this I swear, that or I shall fall in glorious battle.

Period 2 List

Here is the amended list for period 2, added in an extra Grey huner squad for objective grabbing, a Rune Preist (because being able to cast a 24" 4+ psychic negation bubble across the table is just awesome) a Lone wolf (partly for points, partly for story reasons, as this is Jaegor who will be cropping up in the story more often), two rhinos to give a little speed to the army and finally the Long Fangs to give some fire support to the army (great to throw the Rune Priest in with them too).

Wolf Lord (100), Runic Armour (20), Frost Blade (25), Storm Shield (30), Saga of the Beast slayer (10), Fenrisian Wolf x 2 (20), Wolf Tooth Necklace (10) {215}

Grey Hunters x 10 (150)
- Flamer
- Plasma gun

Grey Hunters x 9 (135)
- Flamer

Period 2's Additions:

Rune Priest (Runic Armour, Chooser of the Slain) {130}

Grey Hunters 10 {150} (Flamer and Plasma gun)

2 x Rhinos {70}

Lone Wolf {20}

Long Fangs x6 (3x Rocket Launchers, 2 x Heavy Bolters) {130}

Total: 1000 Points

United and Renewed

The sun was setting and the howling winds tore across the glacial plains as the wolves regrouped. They had suffered heavy defeats at the hands of their adversaries, but their spirits were not broken. Ferrus stood apart from his packs, his wolf companions close by watchful of any predators. Ferrus was grateful for their presence. For had it not been for these wolves Ferrus would’ve undoubtedly been just one of the many corpses that littered the battlefield, for that he felt a sort of kinship towards them, they were now a part of his pack too.
The closest wolf, grey with darker markings, turned its head whilst its ears twitched as if trying to pick out something far off. The second, white wolf joined in this attempt, however it seemed far less concerned by the noise and merely lay with its head up and its ears similarly twitching. For a moment Ferrus couldn’t hear anything in spite of his augmented senses, then he heard it over the howling wind was something heavier, something more and yet less than the wind. In a matter of minutes the sound became a rob blot on the horizon, swiftly becoming recognisable as one of the Thunderhawk transporters from Ferrus’ battle barge still hanging in orbit.

The Thunderhawk made two passes, before landing on the third. The front docking ramp slowly lowered and an immense figure blotted out the light coming forth from the Thunderhawk. Ferrus slowly advanced towards the ramp, holding up his hand to shield his eyes from the light. As he moved closer the figures features became clearer, the short grey hair and braided beard, not to mention the larger staff topped by a wolf skull with various fetishes adorning it. Ferrus offered out his hand to the figure, who shook it with a stern smile upon his face.
“Well M’ilord it would seem that you are missing Fenris a great deal. Why else would you choose here to crash?” There was a brief pause before both men laughed. Ferrus placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, clutching his chest while doubling over in laughter.
“Ah Tor my good friend, I have missed your jests almost as much as I have missed saving your carcass from being torn apart by the many whelps you fail to defeat with your hands, it’s almost as if you use your staff to keep them all at arms length.” Once more they laughed until they were interrupted by a deep gruff cough.
“As warming as this reunion must be for you both, might I suggest we get to the business at hand?” Ferrus grinned, the voice that spoke belong to none other than the veteran Long Fang squad leader Leif Frostfang. Tor turned to Leif, also slightly grinning, then returning to his stern face.

“Aye, you see Ferrus, we’ve been conducting sweeps and scans of the local area, matching up the stars to charts and such.” Ferrus nodded and turned to walk down the ramp, Tor and Leif following half a step behind. “Ultimately we have concluded we are not even close to our intended location.” Ferrus turned to Tor.
“Then where exactly are we?” Tor paused for a moment looking to Leif, who carried on walking past them, followed by his Long fang pack, each bearing their rocket launchers and heavy bolters. Then Tor’s gaze returned to Ferrus.
“The question, my lord, isn’t where are we so much as when are we?” Ferrus stood still for a moment attempting to understand what he was being told. “Allow me to explain.” Tor pulled a small device from an ammo pouch on his thigh. Pressing a button on the side a small hologram of the known Imperium spun in front of them, pointing to an area on the holo Tor zoomed to an area of space, with 4 planets orbiting a sun. “As you are aware this was our intended destination.” Once again Ferrus simply nodded. Tor touched the holo with a closed fist opening it to zoom out of the map before pressing an area far from the previous system. “This is our current location, the Forge world Orpheous.” Ferrus examined the map closely throwing Tor a puzzled look.
“But that can’t be the stars are in completely the wrong place, and also this map shows no tundra like areas such as this one.” Tor rested on his staff for a moment pressing several buttons on the device and suddenly the planet on the display started moving through the hologramatic galaxy before them, the digits in the top right of the display spinning wildly until Tor once again pressed a further button, stopping the digits at a number that Ferrus couldn’t comprehend.
“Is the instrumentation accurate? There are no faults or any damage?” Tor shook his head.

“I conferred with the navigators, the instrumentation doesn’t lie. We are currently standing on the planet Orpheous in the latter part 41st Millennium.” Ferrus was dumbfounded, he was bred for fighting for the feel of steel on steel, simpler things than this, what Tor was describing was almost alien to him. “However, the signal we received was Imperial, so I’d suggest we keep following that signal and figure out the riddle of the hows and whys at a later point.” Ferrus nodded, grinning and bearing his fangs as he did. The rush of battle was once more filling him, he ached for another bout with the Dark angels or the monstrous bug creatures they had encountered previously. “Oh and one further thing, Hald has been forging this for the past few days and I feel that given the recent battles we have faced it’s best for you to put it to use.” Tor reached over his shoulder, and produced a broad Frost axe, it’s surface looked to be covered in ice, it’s deep blue veins travelling to the axes head, light pulsating along it’s surface. “It is called Rök, Hald said it was his finest work to date and you know well from Fang what his skills can bring out of such weapons.” Ferrus took Rök in hand swinging it from side to side, then swinging it with his fingers, throwing it in the air only to catch it by the handle again.
“Aye, it’s a fine weapon, truly it shall soon taste the blood of a foe worth enough to face a weapon such as this.” Raising the axe and turning to his brother marines he howled. “For the All father and for Russ, we shall take the day in his name.” The reply came back.
“For the All Father!” Ferrus could feel it in the air once more, the rush of battle. The Great company of Ferrus Stormwolf would meet it head on.


A few hours before the events of  “First onslaught”

The ruined buildings cast long shadows over the snowy plateau, the sun hanging high in the sky. The howling winds occasionally throwing up clouds of powdery snow, obscuring the wolves’ view for a brief moment. Behind him Ferrus could hear the sound of revving chain swords, glancing over his shoulder he saw the younger members of the two packs thumbing the activation button of their swords, one even waving his sword, until he noticed Ferrus’ gaze and clipped his sword to his hip joint. Ferrus turned his attention to the ruins, pointing to the nearest ruin he turned back to the packs.
“Take that ruin, we should be able to maintain a good vantage point from there.” The lead pack moved up, clambering over the broken rubble. “You,” gesturing to the other pack, “follow me.”
Advancing between the gap between the two larger ruins Ferrus made out some indistinct forms a little way towards the horizon. Ferrus squinted trying to make the shapes, holding his arm up and clenching his fist. Behind him the pack stopped, the sound of bolters safety clicking off and the revving of chain swords suddenly filled the air. Bringing up his helmets vox link, Ferrus linked to the other pack leader. “We can make something up ahead. Can you see anything?” The channel was filled with static until the reply came.
“No, we can’t see anything, we’ll stand ready and inform you of any change.”  The vox clicked off and Ferrus drew his Frost blade, activating it. Gesturing to the pack behind him to move forward, the pack broke into a run as he advanced with the pack, low growls echoing amongst them as they ran through the cloud. Across the field the sound of bolter fire echoed around. Ferrus and his pack came to a sudden halt at the sound, opening the vox link once again Ferrus barked down the channel.
“Whats happening over there? What can you see?” The vox link clicked open, only the sound of bolter fire and what could only be described as the crackling of burning could be heard.  Clicking the vox off Ferrus turned to his pack, before he could utter a word the ground began exploding and a large green luminous blob, which impacted on the ground throwing two grey hunters along with most of the ground they were stood on exploded. Behind him the pack scattered running for cover. Ferrus stood firm as a second green bolt was flung his way. Holding his shield up the bolt landed squarely in the middle, waves of green energy washing over the shield, as another grey hunter’s chest exploded .
Turning to the pack and opening up the vox channel once more Ferrus snarled as he uttered the words he’d hoped never to have to speak in battle. “We must retreat, this is a battle we can’t win. Pull back and regroup!” A reply began to form from another pack member before another crackling fizzing noise filled the link. Turning back once more he could now make out the shapes clearly now. The forms of Tactical Dreadnought Armoured figures stepped forward, the lead figure armed with a hammer surrounded by crackling energy and a large shield, his bone coloured armour almost blended against the snow and his green robes flapped in the wind. It was then that Ferrus realised who they were facing. “Fall back!” He yelled, growling at the realisation, their enemy was none other than 1st legion, El Johnson’s legion, the Dark Angels. He would see to it that they would have retribution for this defeat, on his life he swore it.