Tuesday 9 May 2017

Terran Battle Log II

Stardate 23796.19.259
Location: Last known location of Terran Cuiser TN Intrepid within the Kee’vack system
2nd Hunter Killer Unit of the 39th Battle Fleet
Bridge of TN Vigilant

The streaking lines of stars solidified once more into solid dots amongst the sky as the ship emerged from the folds of space as experienced in faster than light travel. Commander Katyana Petrovich glanced at her tactical display lighting up a large screen in front of her, watching as several green signatures blinked into existence. A gentle sigh of relief slipped from her lips, all ships were accounted for, this was confirmed by several lights blinking as each ship in the unit sent a short range hail to her ship. All were green, a good start to an what should be an easy operation. Rising from her seat she walked to the screen and paused studying it. A strobing red light appeared ahead of them roughly at the edge of their range of fire, it pulsed quite weakly now, odd as ordinarily proximity would strengthen such a signal. The commander looked to her fore observation screen, searching for any sign of debris, of anything remotely ship like or what could’ve been a ship in the area.
“I want a full scan of the area, give me IR, Rads, I’d like to see what is out there before we stick our hand into a gaping mouth.” A sharp affirmative response came from the scanner station to her left.
“Shields charging Captain, weapons are warmed up and cycling also.” Her weapons officer chimed up. She nodded. “Send out the message for the other ships to follow suit, but hold fire until we can confirm who we are dealing with.” 

For a few moments all that could be heard was the repeated bleeping and pings of various sensors scans sweeping the area. It felt far too quiet for her liking. She stared at the holo display almost daring it to show her something, anything, even the most insignificant of blips on the screen to satiate her… “There!” She called as for a second a dot appeared on the display, disappearing just as swiftly. She had heard of such occurrences before in several reports they studied at the academy, it point to one of two things; a sensor error, or far more likely cloaked ships trying to evade their sensors. The officer manning the scanning station turned to look at the captain over his shoulder.
“Ma’am?” Petrovich shot a harsh glare to the officer, as if to challenge what she perceived as questioning her, relenting reminding herself to save herself for the enemy.
“Enhance scan across sector 9, range 48,000 klicks, try scanning band IVA.” The officer nodded and turned back to his station, punching several commands into the console. The display shifted, focusing upon the sector Petrovich felt certain she had seen the faint signal, she was not disappointed. After a few brief moments hazy dots began to appear and fade irregularly on the display, she was right there was something there, likely a small flotilla of ships, lying in wait to ambush anyone attempting to enter the area. “Bring weapons online and find us a good vantage point. Tell Sword to go see if they can stir up some interest and order Dagger to maintain close proximity in order to provide a little harassment, then draw them out into the kill zone.” Several affirmatives rang out across the bridge, and the ship listed gently as the engines came online slowly. Watching the Holo display as the other squadrons took position Katyana Petorvich gritted her teeth and moved to her chair. This would be her first fleet action in sometime and she had some apprehension of how it would turn out, she hoped that her training would pay off and that she could keep casualties low. This was her moment, her chance to show her mettle and she was going to make the most of it.
“Guns are hot and scopes are lined up Captain, the rest of squadron is reading green.” Her Lieutenant called from the helm console in front of her and she broke a small smile.
“Good, hold fire until I give the command.” She took a deep breath, “Let’s make this count”.

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