Wednesday 3 May 2017

Return and revamp

Hello one and all. It's been a loooonnngggg time since I was last on here, life got in the way and I lost the details to get on here, but now I'm back and have a few new things to throw up.

First the new GW system Age of Sigmar has taken over from Warhammer Fantasy Battles as it's new fantasy game set. I've dipped my toe into it and have mixed feelings as I like it, but it feels like things are missing from it namely a slightly tighter rule set, but that's just my opinion having gone from the likes of 40k and Warmahordes to a 4 page rule set, so great for anyone starting out, or those migrating over just expect a little bump when you find you can do a lot of things you couldn't do before. With the switch I've gone from running my Middenheim Empire force to a Slaves to Darkness/Khorne Bloodbound list, the models GW are bringing out look amazing and are really nice to work with and I shall post up pictures of the army in progress below. But I want to know, what've your experiences of the system been so far? Do you love it, or have you gone back to 8th WHFB or Mantic's King of War system?

Blood Warriors (Blood Fist and Iron Horde Schemes)
Demon Prince

Second, at my local gaming group we are undertaking a narrative campaign for Spartan Games Firestorm Armada and I've dusted off a Terran fleet I've been keeping for quite some time to join in the fun, meaning expect fluff extracts and updates of the campaign as it progresses along with unboxings of new models and pictures as the fleet is slowly assembled and painted up, I'll also try to write up some battle reports where I can.
Artemis Destroyers
Armsmen Frigate Squadron

Teuton Cruiser Squadron

Lastly the new edition of 40k is just around the corner and news abounds as to what is going to change and how the Age of sigmar system is going to affect it, I admit I dropped off the face of 40k round about when 7th rolled around, but I'll still try to pass on information and insight as I see or hear. Also the new Shadow War Armageddon (Necromunda 2.0) has hit and made a fair impact with the potential of a looming league for that around the corner I'll be, as with FSA posting pictures and battle reports where possible and insights in to things I've noticed (big one flamers are your friend, heavy weapons such as Lascannons and plasma, not so much)

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