that last one which was written off the back of last night's game, Just want to delve into the system itself and explain a little bit about it for all those who don't know what it is.
Firestorm Armada is a space naval combat game, essentially you fly ships around space and try to blow each other up in that arena. Getting a little deeper it's developed by a British company called Spartan games, who also came up with Dystopian wars (same basic premise but replace space with oceans and space ships with Victorian Steampunk ships with weapons ranging from normal guns to Tesla coils (someone ought to mention water and electricity don't mix)) and Uncharted seas (same as DW but in a fantasy setting, think the old GW system Man O War and you're there more or less). The system has been around now for 8 years and is entering it's 3rd edition in August this year. It's a relatively cheap system to buy into as a patrol fleet is normally in the £40 - £50 range, little more in other countries, but it's still relatively cheap as an entry point as you have all you need for a basic fleet in the box. Most games are played at around 1000 points which doesn't seem a lot, but consider the smallest ship you can buy is 15 points and the biggest is somewhere in the 300 range you can build a relatively large fleet quite easily and one of the best things is that the rules for the core races and the rulebook itself are free to download from Spartan's website, nice touch if I'm honest and makes it easier to decide if you want to dive in and who with.