Sunday, 10 August 2014


Ok, to fill in the gaps on this one, originally the wolves were to keep fighting on Orpheous and part way through a battle the Grey knights landed in search of a demonic presence that they have detected on the planet and begin aiding the wolves in their battles. More recently the Grey Knights start attempting to assert command over the wolves and Ferrus doesn't take kindly to this, leading to the following. Also keep in mind Ferrus' faith has been shaken of late and he's turned some what brutal in mindset and actions.

Also keep in mind this is not canon, this is purely something toyed with using to end my part in the tale, but decided to use legacy instead.


This the final Canon Tale fluff segment, theres one more to come, but this is how the story ends in the tale

Ferrus halted Tyr as they reached the encampment. Dark smoke billowed from some unseen object the other side of the prefab buildings in front of him. Ferrus dismounted, slowly treading forwards, behind him the wolf guard had followed suit and walked towards him until Ferrus raised a hand. He turned gesturing to Jaegor he ushered him over. Jaegor jogged as swiftly as his armour would allow with wolves in tow, crouching next to Ferrus trying to determine what had caught his interest.
“Jaegor, you have been preparing for this moment ever since you took your oath. Are you ready to do what is required of you?” Ferrus asked looking coldly into Jaegor’s eyes. With a slight touch of bewilderment Jaegor swiftly replied.
“Aye M’ilord, I shall carry out my duty as you have requested.” Ferrus nodded and walked slowly towards the building, Jaegor a few steps behind. They trudged slowly until they rounded the corner, only to be met by two more buildings. From here the smell of whatever was burning was incredibly pungent and even the strong stomachs of the marines felt somewhat unsettled. Ferrus turned to Jaegor.
“Take that side and on my signal, strike our foe. But, not before.” Jaegor nodded and as silently as possible walked round to the right. Ferrus watched as he disappeared from view, feeling the weight of his frost axe and shield he slowly walked towards the smoke column still hanging in the sky.

Mustering of Middenheim

Hi guys, apologies it has been a long time between posts once again. Since last the post the 40k tale has ended, due to most of us running out of will to keep on unfortunately. However, this does mean I will soon be putting up the final fluff entries to tie up the storyline of Ferrus' battles on Orpheous. Meanwhile I have been doing some delving into other systems and trying to reignite my enthusiasm in the hobby, as I've got to say the speed at which Game Workshop keep churning out release has taken it's toll lately. So recently I took a look at a game system called Infinity, by a company call Corvus Beli, I've yet to play a game, but having seen the models (which are incredibly nice) I can only urge anyone who hasn't already, go look up the website and give it a shot. It's a skirmish game so it's relatively fast pace from what I've been told, also there's no sitting doing nothing while your opponent takes his turn as the players take turn as active and reactive (meaning while the active player moves models the reactive player can act in response to these actions).

Also as the title suggests I've been delving into Warhammer Fantasy Battles, starting up an Empire Middenheim army. Starting at 1000 points it goes something like this: